(15% Off) Get 15% cashback when you pay with Ola Money on Purplle.com for Rs.850/- at Purplle
How to get this Deal
- Click here to go to Purplle.
15% cashback up to Rs. 200/- per order on transactions made on Purplle app and website
Cashback valid on one transaction per user during the offer period
Cashback valid from 2nd September to 2nd October 2016
Cashback will be credited to customer’s Ola Money account within 24 hours
Refunds for cancelled orders will be processed within 5 business days
Cancelled orders are not eligible for cashback and the balance amount of the order will be refunded to customer’s Ola Money Wallet
Cashback will be processed for the net order value
Offer applicable on Purplle website and mobile application
Ola Money reserves the right to change/withdraw the offer at its discretion
By availing this offer you choose to accept Ola Money – Zipcash’s terms and privacy policy available here